A stalemate for perfection
Tech is the ultimate incubator for the perfectionist mindset. If you do not watch out for it, it will slowly consume you. There are so many different types of tools and technologies that you can use for the same project. It is easy to find yourself in a situation where you are spending too much time deciding what is best to use.
I have always struggled with this: wanting to use/do the best things to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. What I found after doing countless random side projects and being in the field for over three years is that it doesn’t matter.
Part of the endless iterations of Javascript frameworks or new ways to do the same thing is essentially an equal and opposite reaction mechanism. Someone decided that they wanted to make one part of a system easier because that is their preference, and that design consequently made a different part harder or more confusing. The takeaway is that the person was OK with the part they made harder, even if they didn’t realize it.
The more and more I build side projects, the more I realize that it doesn’t matter which framework you use. Maybe the only important factor is if there is constant and long-term support for it. The only thing that matters is if you like it and that it works for you.
Pick one, and don’t look back!
Mostly agree, even when you move to another programming language.
So instead of a Framework
forGL is an app with a
built in IDE and forGL Interpreter.
So far everything is ~10 MB C++ compile.
Expected to get larger as more gets put in.
It's not boring :)